VIP Voice: An Overview

Oct 31, 2023 By Susan Kelly

VIP Voice is one of the few online survey sites that conducts its polls rather than relying on questionnaires provided by other websites as its primary source of revenue. That normally implies a straightforward and consistent experience for consumers, which you will only get on aggregator websites occasionally since such websites will lead you to surveys conducted by third parties.

If a survey is available, you will be provided a range of points, the total of which is decided by the number of surveys you have completed and whether or not you successfully finished the new survey or were rejected from it. When you click on a link that sends you to a survey, you can see a pop-up window that estimates how long it usually takes to finish the survey.

The surveys were often simple to do. In other instances, I found the surveys to be interesting since they concentrated on topics that interest me, such as cuisine, beverages, and fashion.

Success Rate

Only 11 surveys were made available to me throughout my testing of the website, which totaled two hours and fifteen minutes spaced out over five days. It was on the low end compared to the results I got from other sources. On the other hand, I successfully completed six of them, making VIP Voice the website with the greatest success rate among those examined.

Your age, ethnicity, and gender, among other demographic factors, will play a significant role in determining whether or not you are eligible to participate in a survey. Therefore, the number of surveys you can finish may vary.

In most cases, disqualifications occurred within the first few minutes of a survey being administered. There needed to be a single explanation provided. When the self-hosted survey options on VIP Voice were exhausted, partner survey options would often become available. The website claims that respondents may earn anything from 25 to 550 points for completing these polls. But partner polls regularly failed to guarantee precise points and, in other instances, failed to promise any points; hence, after a few unsuccessful efforts to collect incentives, I ended up bypassing such surveys.


During trial run, I was awarded 1,775 points. What exactly is the worth of those points in terms of cash? It is tough to ascertain since the website has an interesting mechanism for rewarding users.

The operation follows: You begin at level zero and go up as you do more surveys. There are a total of five user levels. The number of points you may earn every survey and the kind of incentives you are qualified for is based on your level. (By the time my experiment was through, I had progressed to level four.)

You have two choices when redeeming your points: either place a bid on an auction-style website for products like music downloads, exercise equipment, or Amazon gift cards, or BidLand, or you may use your points to enter contests on SweepLand utilizing their platform. Each point may be redeemed for one contest entry or bid in an auction. The winner of a BidLand auction is the person who placed the highest bid on a particular item within the allotted period. This means the person who contributed the most points to the cause. In contrast to auction bids, sweepstakes entries will be deducted from your balance after the promotion has ended, regardless of whether or not you were a winner.

When you attempt to spend your points on anything, there is no assurance that you will obtain what you desire. Put it another way: There is also no opportunity to immediately exchange your points for cash or gift cards when you redeem them.


At first look, the experience of doing surveys on VIP Voice is superior to that of most other services. However, since it does not provide monetary prizes and has a hit-or-miss reward system, there are better alternatives, and you should look into other survey possibilities instead.

Taking part in online surveys is only sometimes the best approach to making a quick income, particularly given the abundance of alternative opportunities to earn money. There is a good chance that you will sit in front of a computer for a significant amount of time with little to show. In certain instances, you won't take anything with you when you depart. However, labor is relatively easy.

If you decide to participate in any surveys, consider creating a new email account so that the messages you get in that account do not fill up the one you normally use. Take frequent pauses to prevent being overwhelmed by the number of surveys, and secure your computer with anti-malware software if you visit dubious websites.

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